Spencer K. M. Brown is a finalist for the 2023 CMA National Book Award for “Best Novel,” winner of the 2016 Penelope Niven Award, the 2018 Flying South Fiction Prize, and a finalist for both the 2019 Doris Betts Fiction Prize and the 2019 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize. His short fiction and poems have four times been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and have appeared in numerous publications. He lives in North Carolina, with his wife and three sons. He is the author of the novels Move Over Mountain and Hold Fast, and one chapbook of poetry, Cicada Rex.


Literary Agent: Tracy Crow, Tracy Crow Literary Agency.

Rights/Permissions for “Move Over Mountain”: Joshua Lorenzo Newett

Rights/Permissions for “Hold Fast”: Joshua Hren

Social Media: @SpencerKMBrown

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